Friday, September 13, 2019

Inseparability of Markets and Regulations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Inseparability of Markets and Regulations - Essay Example As such, it protects healthcare consumers by ensuring that the services provided to them are satisfactory and efficiently meet their tastes and preferences. Through licensing, the board controls competition and deviant practices within the medical field. It also safeguards consumers’ interests by guaranteeing that medical costs are within the conventional standards and affordable level (Lee, 2009). GCMB has a board of directors that comprises of 15 voting members and an ex-officio chosen by the governor. Its current chair is Richard Weil. Among the 15 voting members, 11 are physicians with Doctor of Medicine grades, 2 are dynamically practicing physicians with Doctor of Physiotherapy degrees, and 2 members are consumer members, who main role is to represent the interests of healthcare consumers (GCMD, 2014). GCMB represents the cultural diversity prevalent in Georgia. The board members are drawn from different regions within the state and represent the various social, economic, and political interests of a diverse population. The board is a fair representation of the community it is serving since it has incorporated the interests of different groups into its mission, goal, and objectives. However, the board still faces a challenge in regulating medical practitioners due to increased misconducts in the medical sector and the diversity of the field of medicine. New trends in medicine have too posted a challenge for GCMB (Lee, 2009). For instance, lethal injection practices and physicians participation in executions have proven to be hard to control. The incentives offered to the board are not enough to finance its activities and the cost of providing the licensing services has upsurge posing a challenge to the relevance of

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