Thursday, October 31, 2019

Research project , choice given Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Research project , choice given - Essay Example The problems and opportunities of biotechnology are discussed to give a glimpse of what the contradictions are all about. The opportunities presented by biotechnology have by far seen the world improve mostly in the field of agriculture and other science sectors. The most popular opportunity is through agricultural biotechnology. The technology behind genetically modified foods has provided food security for globally with the US as the leading users of the foods. The advancement of genetically modified foods have combated most food insecurity issues in most third world countries in Africa and other countries like Haiti. With the general world population rising, the natural resources are not enough for conventional farming thus posing a threat to hunger for the billions of people across the world. After the introduction of GMO’s, the world food shortage problem has been greatly curbed. Following GMO advances, Africa has also started practicing agriculture biotechnology same as the US. With good leadership and believe in science, there is an opportunity from biotechnology to provide the necessary nutritional needs through farm breeds. Protein is one nutrient that is lacking in most African countries leading to malnutrition and other health related problems. Genomics is a part of biotechnology and with the recent advances, it has offered an opportunity to provide farm breeds with the needed nutrients such as proteins. For instance farmed fish can provide more protein than normal cattle. However, this needs to be steered forward with correct governance that will allocate the necessary resources for this to be possible. It is a great opportunity to provide nutrients in other ways other than the conventional ways which are limited. Also, there have been advance in forensic science, a branch of biotechnology that focuses on DNA extraction and identification. The technology has been of use in the US, but this opportunity is rare in most

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Business-Level Strategy Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Business-Level Strategy - Case Study Example Through expanding their array of products, the company would attract more clients; thus, remain the leader in business (Hill & Jones 179-80). Apple Inc. would adopt the strategy of differentiation. As Hitt, Ireland & Hoskisson argue, this strategy allows companies create products with inimitable features at minimal costs (115-123). Through this strategy as well, a company can adapt novel technology and all changes that may take place in its external environment. With cost and differentiation at hand, Apple Inc. can easily attract clients and produce unique products at very low costs. This will ensure that the company remains proficient in its production; thus, retain the existing clients and attract more. This also translates to the actuality that Apple Inc. must have flexible structure of production, quality management and networks that will see to the manufacture of top quality products as the strategy stipulates (Hitt, Ireland & Hoskisson

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Analysis of Liver Disease in Europe

Analysis of Liver Disease in Europe To what extent does alcohol contribute to liver disease in Europe? Alcoholic liver disease is the major complication of chronic alcohol abuse, with cirrhosis (with or without portal hypertension), being the most common end-point of the spectrum of complications. This association is seen throughout virtually all populations, demographic groups and clinical sub-sets. (Walsh K et al. 2000) It is notable that the incidence of the disease process is changing on a world-wide consideration, with countries such as India and Japan recently seeing a rapid escalation in numbers of cases of cirrhosis, from their traditionally low baseline of prevalence of the disease. This essay however, will primarily consider the situation in Europe. Considerations of safe limits to alcohol consumption have to be prefaced with the comments that they are controversial, and that there is no common agreement on a minimum safe level. In the UK, the Royal College of Physicians suggest a weekly limit of 21 units (210 g) of alcohol in men and 14 units in women as being the upper limit of â€Å"safe† use. This has to be seen in the context that the Office of Population Censuses and Surveys General Household Survey found that 27% of men and 13% of women in the UK were found to be exceeding these limits in 2004 (OPCS 2004) This can be contrasted with the findings of an Italian study (Bellentani S et al. 1997) which suggested that the â€Å"significant risk threshold† for the subsequent development of alcoholic liver disease in an Italian population was only 30g of ethanol per day and that the risk escalated with progressively higher levels of intake. The authors also noted that, for a given level of intake, women had a significantly higher risk of developing alcoholic liver disease than did age-matched men. On a critical note, one must concede that this was a prospective non-randomised study with a moderate (6,500) entry cohort. This can be compared with a larger Danish study (13,000 entry cohort) which demonstrated a statistically significant increase in the risk of alcoholic liver disease at levels of intake above 14 27 units per week in males and 7 13 units in females. (Becker U et al. 1996) One cannot conclude, from this data, that different European populations have different susceptibility to alcoholic liver disease. One of the major practical difficulties in mounting a major prospective study of this nature is the control of the huge number of variables that may influence the outcome, not least of which is the fact that no individual person drinks a uniform quantity of alcohol per day over many years. There are also considerations of the possibility of variation of effect of different proprietary brands of alcohol-containing drinks as well as the (largely under researched) area of the long term effect of binge drinking. Virtually all studies however, demonstrate a steep dose dependent increase in alcoholic liver disease above a threshold level of alcohol intake with women having a greater incidence of the disease than men at a given age range and level of intake. The reasons for this sex difference is not completely clear with Kwo et al. demonstrating that if one adjusts for body mass and liver size, then both men and women have equivalent biological rates of alcohol degradation. (Kwo P Y et al. 1998) A number of authorities (viz. Teli M R et al. 2005) suggest that these gender differences in susceptibility to alcoholic liver disease may be due to primarily to pharmacokinetic reasons including differences in the rates of ethanol absorption or alternatively, differences in the degree of response of the liver to alcohol induced injury such as that caused by oxidative by-products of ethanol metabolism in the liver. If one accepts the difficulties inherent in trying to define the lower margins of â€Å"safe† levels of alcohol drinking, then it is also appropriate to consider the problem from the other end of the spectrum. There are many studies in the literature which have considered the incidence and natural history of alcoholic liver disease in a population of heavy drinkers who, by definition, will show a much higher prevalence of the disease process. A comparatively old study by La Vecchia et al. showed a Europe-wide reducing trend in alcoholic liver disease in the recent past (La Vecchia, C et al. 1994) and this should be compared with data which shows that the deaths from alcoholic liver disease are actually increasing in the UK (CMO 2001). More specific recent data shows that this increase is disproportionately represented by the young adult and middle aged population in the UK showing an 8-fold rise since the 1970s (Leon, D. A et al. 2006) There is a general perception that end-stage alcoholic liver disease (in the form of cirrhosis) is only seen in those patients who demonstrate alcohol dependence syndrome (viz. Smith et al. 2004 and Luca A et al. 2007). There is a growing body of evidence which suggests that this may not actually be the case. If one considers one of the landmark papers on alcohol dependence and related disease processes, one could cite the classification of Jellinek who categorised five â€Å"sub-species† of alcoholism in his authoritative work in the area. (Jellinek, E. M. 1960 A). The current significance of his initial classification is that he identified two specific types of â€Å"alcoholics†, the ‘ß alcoholics’ who are not alcohol dependant, but who have a disproportionately high incidence of alcohol-related diseases, such as cirrhosis and contrasted this to the gamma alcoholics who were typically highly physically dependent, demonstrated frequent behavioural problems and had a high incidence of sociological complications. Jellinek made deductions about why these groups had different drinking patterns suggesting that the tendency towards heavy drinking in the ß alcoholic group was related to the customs and peer pressures within their social group, whereas gamma alcoholism was characterised, in part, by drinking to relieve a psychological craving and a physical addiction. (Jellinek, E. M. 1960 B). In the context of this examination, one can intuitively suggest that the customs, peer pressures and social groupings may be one of the more salient causes of different patterns of alcohol use across the various national cultures of Europe. There is a further difficulty in that, a brief overview of the literature on the subject of alcoholic liver disease shows that, in the context of Jellinek’s theoretical framework, which describes the population of drinkers who present to healthcare professionals with liver disease as a distinctly separate (although overlapping) population from those who present with alcohol dependence, there is a comparative paucity of studies which look at the drinking patterns, social factors and attitudes in patients with alcoholic liver disease when one compares it with the wealth of literature on alcohol dependence. This may seem to be an academic inference, but one can cite the authority of the often quoted Wodak study which identified significant differences between the population of typical patients with alcoholic liver disease and a population of patients who were recruited from an alcohol treatment centre for dependence, presenting evidence that only 18% of patients who had clinical alcoholic liver disease were severely dependent on alcohol and this contrasted with 56% of the attendees at the alcohol treatment centres. The authors also found that 63% of the patients who were found to have alcoholic liver disease had only a mild or moderate dependence on alcohol. (Wodak, A. D. et al. 1983). If one looks beyond the confines of Europe, one can cite the authority of an Indian study (Sarin, S. K et al. 1998) which found broadly similar results. More recent studies using liver transplant patients (viz. Burra, P. et al. 2000) have also produced similar results, although there is an obvious source of potential selection bias in such studies in the desire of certain patients to be accepted onto a transplant programme and this bias will (intuitively) vary between the different patterns of medical care provided across Europe. The problem confronting many researchers is the difficulty in clinically defining alcoholic liver disease. Many patients may be unaware that they are developing significant problems until the time of presentation. The first presentation may be with acute upper gastrointestinal tract haemorrhage or with alcoholic hepatitis. Both conditions frequently present in the absence of warning signs of a developing alcohol dependence. (Vorobioff J et al. 1996). The Harry et al. study reporting that the first presentation of alcoholic liver disease may actually be fatal with uncontrollable bleeding oesophageal varices carrying an immediate 25% mortality rate, (Harry, R. et al. 2002), a finding also found in the Brett study. (Brett, B. T. et al. 2001). Mathurin suggests that in patients who present with severe alcoholic hepatitis, over 50% may die. (Mathurin, P et al. 1996) If one considers data from other European centres, the Italian Loguercio study considered the pattern of drinking in indigenous Italians who had Hepatitis C. (Loguercio C et al. 2000). This is particularly significant in the Italian population as their prevalence of Hepatitis C is the highest in Europe. (De Bac, C. et al. 2004). It is well known that Hepatitis C infection is associated with a higher incidence of hepatocellular carcinoma, but it is not know the extent to which subsequent alcohol intake influences the natural progression of the disease process. The Loguercio study sought to explore this feature and makes the observation that only 4 5% of all manuscripts submitted to â€Å"Hepatology† deal with alcohol-related liver disease, which exemplifies the point made earlier. In direct consideration of the thrust of this examination, the extent to which alcohol contributes to liver disease is modified by the presence of complicating factors such as Hepatitis B and C. Loguercio et al. suggest that there is a direct interaction between alcohol and the viruses, other authorities (viz. Ostapowicz, G et al. 1998) suggest that an additional mechanism of disease modification is that the presence of alcohol affects the response to interferon therapy (IFN). The latter belief has a poor evidence base as Mabee points to the fact that, without exception, none of the controlled trials published thus far on the efficacy of IFN treatment of Hepatitis C-related liver disease have determined the alcohol intake levels prior to therapy. ((Mabee, C. L. et al. 2008) Lieberman has shown that chronic alcohol intake levels correlate well with gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (GT) levels. (Lieberman, M. W. et al. 1995) and these levels have been shown by Camps to be extremely predictive of treatment (Camps, J. et al. 1993). In this way it is possible to make the direct connection that alcohol intake clearly directly influences the rate of progression of hepatic pathology, a claim that has been further strengthened by the large retrospective analysis by Pol et al. who examined and correlated the rate of progression of the disease process (in Hepatitis C and HIV/AIDS hepatitis, with the overall intake of alcohol. (Pol, S. et al. 1998). The authors demonstrated that alcohol intake of the patient directly influences their gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (GT) plasma levels and the rate of progression of the disease process. There is further evidence of the degree to which alcohol influences liver disease, at a histological level, in the form of the Scheuer paper. (Scheuer, P. J. et al. 2001). In congruence with the thrust of this segment of the paper, we can cite the authority of Scheuer who correlated the degree of fibrosis and steatosis with the average levels of alcohol intake and Pessione who noted that the degree of fibrosis in patients with Hepatitis C chronic hepatitis was related to the history of alcohol intake. (Pessione, F. et al. 1998) To return to the Loguercio study, the authors comment that the Italian cohort was typical for the country, (but atypical for Europe) as there is known to be a high alcohol intake per head of the population in Italy, even after making allowances for the fact that alcohol intake has fallen in the last decade (SPE 2004). In an attempt to evaluate the effects of alcohol on the population with alcoholic liver disease the study considered three important markers namely : (1) To estimate how many subjects in our country misused alcohol before and after being diagnosed as having HCV-related chronic liver disease (2) To determine if their drinking habits affected the principal aspects of this disease: routine laboratory data (particularly GT plasma levels), histological pattern (particularly liver steatosis and fibrosis), HCV RNA levels, and response to IFN therapy; (3) To compare results from this and a previous study (Aricà ² et al., 1994) to determine if CLD subjects have modified their drinking habits since a decrease was observed in the general population. (Loguercio C et al. 2000). The study is both long and complex, with rigorous statistical analysis. In essence, the authors were able to demonstrate that the majority of patients with Hepatitis C liver disease still regularly drank significant amounts of alcohol. Patients with hepatitis were more likely to drink alcohol than those with cirrhosis. They were also able to confirm that there were significantly higher levels of gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (GT) and greater levels of fibrosis associated with higher levels of alcohol in male subjects. Interestingly, women had higher levels of fibrosis than men even if they were total abstainers or less than 40 g/daily of alcohol, but their gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (GT) levels did reflect the overall alcohol intake. This is very supportive of the hypothesis that women appear to have lower levels of defence against the oxidative insult produced by alcohol intake and may therefore develop a more marked fibrotic infiltration. We know, from other evidence that clinic ally, women appear to have more severe and rapidly progressive hepatitic disease processes than men. (Watson, R. R. ed. 2001) To consider a more general overview of the Europe-wide situation, one can consider the Rehm review paper which considers the implications of alcohol usage and mortality rates across the European continent. (Rehm J et al. 2007). The review itself is in commendable depth and provides an excellent evidence base for the area of investigation. The main points presented can be summarised. There is still a general all-cause mortality gradient from west to east across Europe which is more pronounced in males. (Zatonski W et al. 2000). In statistical terms, the western (old EU) countries (Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden and UK) had a male life expectancy of 75.7 yrs and a female life expectancy of 81.5 yrs. In the central European countries (Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, and Slovenia) these expectancy figures have fallen to 70.9 and 78.7 respectively. In the new Baltic states (Estonia, L atvia, and Lithuania) it is 65.3 and 76.8 yrs respectively and in the Russian Federation it was 58.3 for men and 71.8 for women. It can be seen from these figures that the life expectancy for men varies by 17.4 years and 9.7 yrs for women. It should be noted that a later, but less exhaustive, study by Vagero demonstrated that by 2005, while life expectancies were slightly higher, the overall gradient and pattern of mortality remained unchanged. (Vagero D 2007). A number of authorities (viz. Men T et al. 2003 and McKee M et al. 2001) have highlighted the levels of alcohol consumption, in addition to smoking and poor nutrition, as being the main determinants of this gradient. Rhem has also identified alcohol as being the prime determinant of premature mortality in the Russian federation. (Rehm J et al. 2003 A) Rhem presents a systematic analysis of alcohol-attributable mortality and disease burden by country, and considers two major aspects in each case namely, both the level of consumption and the patterns of drinking, the latter mainly referring to irregular heavy drinking occasions. (Rehm J et al. 2007). These two aspects are not straightforward, as an illustrative example of France and Sweden demonstrates. France has a traditional wine drinking culture with overall high levels of alcohol consumption but a relatively low proportion of people drinking to intoxication, Sweden, by contrast, has an increasing, but still relatively low level of overall alcohol consumption but a social tradition of irregular heavy drinking. The study highlights Hungary as being notable for having the highest mortality rates in the EU for several alcohol-related pathologies such as liver cirrhosis, together with malignant neoplasms of lip, oral cavity and pharynx. It is reported that for the age range 20 64 yrs, alcohol plays a part in premature deaths of 25% of the population of Hungary. Cirrhosis is particularly high in Hungary and it is postulated that the high consumption of home made spirits may be a relevant factor. (Szucs S et al. 2005). It is also recognised that the culturally acceptable pattern of drinking in Hungary to a high level of alcohol intake with many heavy drinking occasions. The study gives a graphic breakdown of alcohol-related indices across the continent thus: New EU member states Old EU member states Czech Republic Hungary Lithuania Poland France Sweden UK Russia Adult per capita in l pure alcohol 17.0 14.9 17.2 11.7 14.5 9.9 13.4 15.5 Recorded in l pure alcohol 16.0 11.9 12.3 8.7 13.5 6.9 11.4 10.6 Unrecorded in l pure alcohol 1.0 3.0 4.9 3.0 1.0 3.0 2.0 4.9 Patterns of drinkinga 2 3 3 3 1 3 3 4 Preferred beverage beer wine/beer/spirits beer/spirits spirits/beer wine beer beer spirits Men % abstention/very light drinking 9.0 12.0 10.0 16.4 7.3 10.0 9.2 13.8 % >40 g/dayb 59.4 47.0 41.0 38.5 50.8 18.3 38.6 53.1 Women % abstention/very light drinking 19.1 27.0 28.0 34.3 11.1 16.0 14.3 27.5 % >40 g/day 7.0 16.0 8.0 9.0 7.0 3.8 10.3 8.4 aEstimated average pattern of drinking (1–4 with 4 being the most detrimental pattern; see text for more explanation and13 for the full algorithm used). b>40 g/day on average correspond to more than 3–4 drinks on average per day (1 drink is one can of beers of 0.33 l or one small glass of wine or one shot of spirits). (After Rehm J et al. 2007). There is considerable discussion surrounding the issue of alcohol-attributable mortality and death rates in the various European regions with Russia yielding the highest figures (29.0/10,000 person-years). An unexplained anomaly was found in that France and the UK show consistently higher rates of alcohol-attributable mortality in women than the general trend in the other countries when compared to the equivalent male rates. The overall alcohol-attributable mortality is greater in the male population with the ratio difference being much greater in the new EU member states, where the culture dictates that a smaller proportion of the alcohol produced is consumed by women Alcohol has been defined as only one of the causes of premature mortality (see above). Rehm suggests that alcohol is the major factor as, if the alcohol-related mortality is removed and the mortality figures adjusted, then the premature mortality rates between the highest and lowest rated countries become much more similar. Premature alcohol-attributable deaths in eight European countries by sex and age groups as proportions (in %) of all deaths, for the year 2002 New EU member states Old EU member states Age group Czech Republic Hungary Lithuania Poland France Sweden UK Russiab Men 20–44 28.5 39.4 38.4 26.0 22.9 19.2 22.2 30.7 45–64 14.0 22.2 16.4 10.2 16.6 7.1 7.6 11.9 20–64 16.3 25.2 22.8 13.6 18.0 9.3 10.7 17.9 Women 20–44 14.2 19.5 21.4 10.7 10.9 6.9 12.5 19.9 45–64 4.5 12.7 10.1 2.1 9.6 2.2 4.6 4.9 20–64 5.8 13.7 12.4 3.6 9.9 2.9 6.0 8.5 The estimates for Russia are underestimates, as several disease categories could not be included because of the different classification system of diseases (After Rehm J et al. 2007). It has to be acknowledged that with all of the papers cited in this examination, there are a number of potential shortcomings as data from different countries is inevitably subject to different categorisations and different modes of collection. Equally, differential rates of confounding factors such as Hepatitis C, HIV/AIDS, smoking and nutritional differences, all of which impact on the clinical presentation of the alcoholic liver disease process are difficult to completely isolate and account for. An additional complicating factor is that it has long been recognised that small amounts of alcohol have a cardio protective effect (Rehm J et al. 2003 B), irregular heavy drinking occasions (binge drinking) adding up to the same average volume of drinking over a period of time are associated with increased risk of vascular events. This increased risk is hard to separate from the increased risk of mortality from alcoholic liver disease. This is particularly the case with the Russian experience where drinking typically follows irregular heavy drinking patterns and the cardioprotective effect is probably negligible on a population-wide assessment. (Nicholson A et al. 2005) In overview, one can conclude that alcohol plays a substantial, and geographically variable role in premature adult mortality across Europe with 15% of all deaths in the 20 64 yr age range being attributable to this risk with men comprising a higher proportion than women in this total. (Rehm J et al. 2006). References Aricà ², S., Galatola, G., Tabone, M. and Corrao, G. (1994) Amount and duration of alcohol intake in patients with chronic liver disease. An Italian Multicentric Study. Italian Journal of Gastroenterology 26, 59 – 65. Becker U, Deis A, Sorensen T I A, et al. (1996) Prediction of risk of liver disease by alcohol intake, sex and age : a prospective population study. Hepatology 1996; 23 : 1025 1029 Bellentani S, Saccoccio G, Costa G, et al. (1997) Drinking habits as cofactors of risk for alcohol induced liver damage. Gut 1997; 41 : 845 850 Brett, B. T., Hayes, P. C. and Jalan, R. (2001) Primary prophylaxis of variceal bleeding in cirrhosis. European Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 13, 349 – 358 Burra, P., Mioni, D., Cillo, U. et al. (2000) Long-term medical and psycho-social evaluation of patients undergoing orthotopic liver transplantation for alcoholic liver disease. Transplant International 13, S 174 – S 178 Camps, J., Crisostomo, S., Garcia-Granero, M., Riezu-Boj, J. I., Civeira, M. P. and Prieto, J. (1993) Prediction of the response of chronic hepatitis C to interferon alfa: a statistical analysis of pretreatment variables. Gut 34, 1714 – 1717 CMO (2001) Chief Medical Officer. On the State of the Public Health: Chief Medical Officers Annual Report 2001. Department of Health, HMSO : London; De Bac, C., Stroffolini, T., Gaeta, G. B., Taliani, G. and Giusti, G. (2004) Pathogenetic factors in cirrhosis with and without hepatocellular carcinoma: a multicenter Italian study. Hepatology 20, 1225 – 1230 Harry, R. and Wendon, J. (2002) Management of variceal bleeding. Current Opinions in Critical Care 8, 164 – 170. Loguercio C, Di Pierro M, Di Marino M P, Federico A, Disalvo D,, Cradta E, Tuccillo C, Baldi F, Del Vecchio Blanco C (2000) Drinking habits of subjects with Hepatitis C virus related chronic liver disease : Prevalence and effect on clinical, virological and pathological aspects. Alcohol and Alcoholism Vol. 35, No. 3, pp. 296 301, 2000 Jellinek, E. M. (1960a) Alcoholism, a genus and some of its species. Canadian Medical Association Journal 83, 1341–1345 Jellinek, E. M. (1960b) The Disease Concept of Alcoholism, pp. 36 – 41. Hillhouse Press, New Haven, CT. Kwo P Y, Ramchandani V A, OConnor S, et al. (1998) Gender differences in alcohol metabolism: relationship to liver volume and effect of adjusting for body mass. Gastroenterology 1998; 115 : 1552 1557 La Vecchia, C., Levi, F., Lucchini, F. et al. (1994) Worldwide patterns and trends in mortality from liver cirrhosis, 1955 to 1990. Annals of Epidemiology 4, 480 – 486. Leon, D. A. and McCambridge, J. (2006) Liver cirrhosis mortality rates in Britain from 1950 to 2002: an analysis of routine data. Lancet 367, 52 – 56 Lieberman, M. W., Barrios, R. and Carter, B. Z. (1995)Gamma -Glutamyl transpeptidase. What does the organization and expression of a multipromoter gene tell us about its functions? American Journal of Pathology 147, 1175 – 1185. Luca A, Carles Garcia-Pagan J, Bosch J, et al. (2007) Effects of ethanol consumption on hepatic hemodynamics in patients with alcoholic cirrhosis. Gastroenterology 2007; 112 : 1284 1289 Nicholson A, Bobak M, Murphy M, Rose R, Marmot M. Alcohol consumption and increased mortality in Russian men and women: a cohort study based on the mortality of relatives. Bulletin of the WHO (2005) 83 : 803 Mabee, C. L., Crippin, J. S. and Lee, W. M. (2008) Review article : interferon and hepatitis C-factors predicting therapeutic outcome. Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics 12, 509 – 518. Mathurin, P., Duchatelle, V., Ramond, M. J. et al. (1996) Survival and prognostic factors in patients with severe alcoholic hepatitis treated with prednisolone. Gastroenterology 110, 1847 – 1853 McKee M, Shkolnikov V. (2001) Understanding the toll of premature death among men in eastern europe. Br Med J (2001) 323 : 1051 – 55 Men T, Brennan P, Boffetta P, Zaridze D. (2003) Russian mortality trends for 1991 – 2001 : analysis by cause and region. Br Med J (2003) 327 : 964. OPCS (2004) Office of Population Censuses and Surveys General Household Survey : HMSO London 2004 Ostapowicz, G., Watson, J. R., Locarnini, S. A. and Desmond, P. V. (1998) Role of alcohol in the progression of liver disease caused by hepatitis C virus infection. Hepatology 27, 1730 – 1735 Pessione, F., Degos, F. and Marcellin, P. (1998) Effect of alcohol consumption on serum hepatitis C virus RNA and histological lesions in chronic hepatitis C. Hepatology 27, 1717 – 1722 Pol, S., Lamorthe, B. and Trinh Thi, N. (1998) Retrospective analysis of the impact of HIV infection and alcohol use on chronic hepatitis C in a large cohort of drug users. Journal of Hepatology 28, 945 – 950 Rehm J, Room R, Monteiro M, et al

Friday, October 25, 2019

Essay --

According to the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, the discussion of definite and indefinite descriptions has been at the center of heated debates of analytic philosophy for over a century. There have been many compelling arguments and interesting views by many philosophers on this topic and it is hard to yet conclude whose argument is more correct. In this essay, I will first briefly explain Russell’s analysis of definite descriptions, then present both Strawson’s and Donnellan’s views of descriptions in opposition to Russell’s, then I will conclude the essay by showing why I find the analysis of definite descriptions by Donnellan more persuasive than the others’. To put it simply, Russell believes that the statement, ‘the F is G’ has three components: existence (âˆÆ'xFx), uniqueness (∀x∀y((Fx∠§Fy)→y=x)), and predication (∀x(Fx→Gx)). In other words, for a statement, ‘the F is G,’ to be true, there must exist at least one thing which is F, there must exist at most one thing which is F, and whatever is F must be G. To expand on this, a sentence of the form ‘The F is G’ states, ‘There is one and only one F and it is G’ and the difference between ‘The F is G’ and ‘An F is G’ is that the latter is just stating there is a (G) F, whereas the use of the definite article, ‘the,’ emphasizes extra uniqueness. For example, it is true to speak of â€Å"the son of Eric† even when Eric has several sons, but it would be more correct to say â€Å"a son of Eric.† Russell further argues that if there is no unique F, an a ssertion of â€Å"the F is G† is false. Strawson thinks otherwise. Strawson claims that Russell confuses properties of a sentence with properties of a use of that sentence. To explain, while Russell thinks truth-value belongs to sentence meanings... ...rase ‘the F’ to refer to something, thus it does not completely embrace the definite descriptions as actually used in a natural language. For example, when I say, â€Å"the leaves are red,† I am referring to the object, leaves, that I am trying to communicate across, but with Russell’s theory, this may not be the case. Using Strawson’s theory, we must ascertain what object is being identified or referred to and what is being ascribed to it even before we evaluate for truth or falsity. For instance, when I say, â€Å"Smith’s murderer is insane,† and it turns out that Smith was not actually murdered at all, then his theory fails as the description, ‘Smith’s murderer,’ does not apply to anyone. Contrastingly, to me at least, Donnellan’s theory encompasses the weaknesses of the theories by the other two, which is why I believe it is the more persuasive argument over the others’.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Citizenship and diversity Essay

A citizen is a native or naturalized member of a city, country, or nation who owes allegiance to its government and is entitled to its protection also citizenship is the state of being vested with the rights and duties of a citizen and is also the character of an individual viewed as a member of society. Citizens who help the local community like running clubs for youths and getting them involved in productive stuff helps keep them off the street and also help to decrease the crime rate. The Public service view citizenship as very helpful as the citizens who help tackle crime by being witnesses, reporting crime, and actively doing something helps the Police convict and get justice for crimes done. A legal view on citizenship is a person with rights of residence; views of citizenship by different organisations in society, e.g. public services, religious groups, pressure groups including â€Å"Amnesty International† and â€Å"Greenpeace†. Qualities of a good Citizen -Responsible -Dedicated -A positive attitude towards other people -Participation in community activities -Awareness of the needs of others Responsible -A good citizen takes personal responsibility to improve the community in which they live. They do not complain about picking up litter they will not complain that it is the council’s job, they will get up and pick up the litter themselves. A good citizen see themselves as responsible for improving the neighbourhood and do not wait for others to do it. Dedicated -Good citizens do not give up on tasks; they persevere until change is achieved. They are dedicated to see through until the end a task which they have set themselves. Positive Attitude -Good citizens are positive to all people. They are non-judgemental. They are not racist or homophobic; they welcome diversity as enriching a society and do not judge people on the colour of their skin, age religion or sexual orientation. Participation in the community -Getting involved in neighbourhood watch, community fund raising and environmental campaigns Awareness of the needs of fellow people in your community -Good citizens have awareness that we are not all the same and that some people need more support due to poverty, disability or language issues. A good citizen is aware and sensitive to these issues and help to provide a supportive inclusive community which values all of its members. Diversity The definition of diversity is to allow others to be who they are, i.e. black white Muslim Hindu etc. without expecting them to conform to your ideas of either working or morally, for example, if your working partner is a strict catholic, then not making lewd comments about women would respect his diversity, if you are going to be arresting a Muslim woman, then getting a female police officer to do it would be respecting her diversity, the same would be if you were to respect someone’s diversity in your community, you could not single someone out or treat someone different to other because of their race, religion or social status and so on.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Externalities in Economics Essay

Externality is yet another significant source of market failure. It is owing to the lack of property rights that externality arises. According to Jaen (2005), by externality we mean the situation when the cost or benefits related to a transaction not only affects the transactors but also the other parties which is called party effect. Non-inclusion of such effect in decision making causes externality and hence market failure. Jaen added that an example of this is pollution from factories which adversely affects the health of the people in the neighborhood. But such a cost is not included in the estimation of cost of production; accordingly there is increase supply. This is called negative or harmful externality. Jaen (2005) added that externality could be beneficial as well and he cited an example, the painting of house by individual A may lead in its market value and also that of the other properties in the neighborhood. Thus the benefit accrues to the third party; this is an example of positive externality. Before explaining externality further, we must make a distinction between private cost or benefit and social cost or benefit. In a given society, the resources are said to be optimally allocated when the social marginal cost is equal to the social marginal benefit. Free markets would optimally allocate the resources when private costs are equal to social costs and private benefits are the same as social benefits (Jaen, 2005). There would be negative externality when social cost exceeds private costs and positive or beneficial externality when social benefits exceed private benefits. _________________________ Jaen, T. R. & Ohri, V. K. (2005). Principles of Microeconomics. Page 324 – 332 Externalities arise when one economic agent does not compensate others for his actions which may directly affect their consumption or production possibilities. Smokers, who do not, for example, pay for increasing others’ risk of cancer, or for the discomfort they may cause, produce externalities. According to Miyao & Kanemoto (1987), urban life is filled with examples of externalities: manufacturing producers may cause air and water pollution which negatively affects residence and other producer; some individuals may have racial prejudice against certain ethnic groups; a household may benefit from beautiful gardens of its neighbors; firms often prefer to locate in larger cities because of proximity to other firms; and an additional traveler in a congested road imposes external cost on other travelers by slowing them down. According to the Fundamental Theorem of Welfare Economics, a competitive equilibrium is efficient in the Pareto optimal sense if all goods are private goods and no externalities exist. This result, however, breaks down if there are externalities. An individual decision maker who generates externalities does not take into account actual external cost or benefits imposed on others; his decision must therefore be corrected to account for external effects. Externalities, thus present a case of potential market failure where go government intervention may be called for to guide a decentralized market system toward a point where resource allocation is efficient (Miyao & Kanemoto, 1987). It is however, too early to jump to the conclusion that government action are always justified when there are externalities; for example, individual who suffer from water pollution have an incentive to get together and bribe firms to reduce pollution. The reason why this may not happen is that the transaction cost to set up a market for pollution may be too high. ___________________________ Miyao, T. & Kanemoto, Y. (1987). Urban Dynamics and Urban Externalities. Page 100 According to Miyao & Kanemoto (1987), if the government has to incur the same transactions cost as private individuals, then government intervention cannot improve resource allocation. Even if government intervention is justifiable, the government has to choose an appropriate policy among alternative policy measures. For example, introducing a Pigouvian tax/subsidy system is one way of modifying individuals’ action to achieve an efficient allocation (Miyao & Kanemoto, 1987). A tax` placed on pollution will ten to reduce the amount of externality. If a corrective tax is set equal to the marginal externality cost suffered by others, an efficient allocation is achieved. One problem with the Pigouvian tax/subsidy, however, is that it usually requires high administrative cost. As Miyao & Kanemoto (1987) stated, in some cases, direct regulation of private activities such as ceiling on pollution emissions and a control of land use may be less costly; moreover the government might also have to resort to cruder measures. For example, a Pigouvian tax/subsidy system for traffic congestion requires congestion tolls whose levels are different for different roads depending on the severity of congestion. External effects have been studied by economist ever since the days of Marshall & Pigou; along with development of the field environmental economics, the theory of externalities has remained of great and growing importance in economic science (Jeroen 1999). As Jeroen (1999) quoted, â€Å"indeed it is fair to say that, starting from the traditional neoclassical economic framework, the most logical way to look at problems of environmental pollution is from the perspective of external cost†. It was also added that â€Å"however, although economist have been investigating the concept of externalities for a long time, both theoretically and empirically, ______________________________ Miyao, T. & Kanemoto, Y. (1987). Urban Dynamics and Urban Externalities. Page 100 Jeroen, C. & van den Bergh, J. M. (1999). Handbook of Environmental and Resource Economics. New York: Edward Elgar Publishing. externalities still prove to be an area of slippery ice†. Frequently, one finds fuzzy discussions on the discussions on the policy implications of external cost. According to Jeroen (1999), this may often result from, for instance, mixing up equity and allocative efficiencies arguments , from mistaking pecuniary externalities for true or technological externalities from some sense of compassion with the victims of externalities on equity ground, leading to pleas for ‘compensation’ which may often be unwarranted from the perspective of allocative efficiency The Concept of Environmental Externalities in Economics In recent years, economist have reluctantly added new variable in their economic thinking to account for the side-effects induced by the production of goods (Hokikian, 2002). They have labeled the parameter â€Å"externalities† (normally used in plural due to its multiple effects) because it usually affects, costwise, people other than who are directly buying, selling, or using the goods in question. When nuclear reactors produce electricity, we are gratified because we put electricity to such uses as washing and drying dishes and clothes. But when the nuclear generate highly reactive by-products, we are annoyed because the nuclear wastes are dangerous to our health. Economist call these unwanted nuclear waste externalities, because most of the cost associated with storing, regulating, and transporting them are not added directly into the cost of electricity. Pollution from economic point of view is the production of waste, dirt, noise, and other things we do not want. As Hokikian (2002) illustrated, for example, we do want steel and cement, but we do not want the smoke produced by the output processes; we do want mechanical energy from heat engines, but we do not want the released heat, which we call thermal pollution. _____________________________ Hokikian, J. (2002). The Science of Disorder: Understanding the Complexity, Uncertainty, and Pollution in our World. page 161 Economists’ externalities are nature’s entropy. Since the middle of nineteenth century, we have known that all processes increase in entropy; yet only recently have humans become a highly entropic creature, generating massive amounts of entropy. Externalities have become a major variable in industrial societies; as humans advanced technologically, we became a major producers of waste products that through the years have gradually accumulated to the point when we can no longer ignore their existence (Hokikian, 2002). Paretian Welfare Criteria and Market Failures Mainstream neoclassical micro and welfare economics theories suggest that governments should in principle be reserved in intervening directly in the economic process (Jeroen, 1999). According to Jeroen (1999), it is broadly accepted that economic science should aim at providing value free descriptions and analyses of human choice, and the associated social processes, under conditions of scarcity. As it is not possible to construct a value-free social welfare function according to some ethically objective criterion, welfare economics has an inherent tendency to rely on quite humble criteria for the evaluation of different possible outcomes of economic processes, for instance under different forms of government interventions. As Jeroen (1999) stated, although the concept of external effects is widely used in economics, there seems to be some confusion about its exact definition and interpretation. He added that, it is commonly recognized that externalities are an important form of market failure. ______________________________ Hokikian, J. (2002). The Science of Disorder: Understanding the Complexity, Uncertainty, and Pollution in our World. page 161. Jeroen, C. & van den Bergh, J. M. (1999). Handbook of Environmental and Resource Economics. page 197. their existence leads to a deviation from the first-best neoclassical world, in which the price mechanism takes care of an efficient resource allocation (Pareto Efficiency). According to Jeroen (1999), in the presence of ext3ernalities, market prices do not reflect full social costs or benefits, and, for instance, regulatory taxes or subsidies are called for to restore the efficient workings for the market mechanism. Furthermore, it is generally accepted that the source of externalities is typically to be found in the absence of well defined property rights (qtd. in Jeroen, 1999). Consequently, the theory of is often applied in environmental economics: environmental quality is a typical good from which property rights are not defined and hence no market exists. These commonplaces may clearly indicate the causes and consequences of external effects, but still leave the definition unclear; such a definition can be as follows: an external effect exists when an actor’s utility function contains a real variable whose actual value depends on the behavior of another actor, who does not take this effect of his behavior into account in his decision making process. According to Jeroen (1999), the above definition concerns technological externalities as opposed to pecuniary externalities. These latter which are ruled out by considering real variables only (that is, excluding monetary variables), do not lead to shifts of production and utility functions, but merely to movements along these functions. Consequently, externalities as defined above are potentially ‘Pareto relevant’ (if costs of correcting for the market failure do not exceed the welfare gains to be obtained), whereas pecuniary externalities are not, because they do not reflect a failing market. As Jeroen stated, the final condition in the __________________________ Jeroen, C. & van den Bergh, J. M. (1999). Handbook of Environmental and Resource Economics. page 197. definition distinguishes externalities from other types of unpriced interactions, such as barter, violence, jealousy, altruism or good-will promoting activities (for instance , handing out samples as products as part of a commercial campaign). Such phenomena differ fundamentally from external effects, both in a theoretical and in a policy-relevance sense. There have always been economist interested in positive or negative externalities; however, they largely been marginalized within the profession as externalities were seen as market failure that needs to be corrected or avoided (Maiser & Sedlacek, 2004). The consequences that recent literature has demonstrated also made economist shy away for along time from accepting externalities as integral part of the economic system. If economist want to understand the growth of an economy over time, they need t allow for externalities. Based on Maiser & Sedlacek (2004), these externalities lead to imperfect competition and tend to agglomerate production at certain locations in the economy. They added that, the resulting spatial structure leads to specialization, transportation and further externalities. This moves the spatial perspective closer to the core of economics. â€Å"As it turns out, if we can explain geographical concentration, then we can go along way toward explaining important aspects of international trade and economic growth (qtd. in Maiser & Sedlacek, 2004). The Influence of Government Policy on the Choice of Production Practices and Chemical Use Government influence on the choice agricultural production practices and the attendant use of chemicals has a variety of forms. Before exploring these alternatives, it is important to __________________________ Maiser, G. & Sedlacek, S. (2004). Spillovers and Innovations: Space, Environment, and the Economy. page 11. understand the rational for government intervention: externalities arising from the interaction between the agricultural sector and the rest of society. Externalities exist in situations where the activities of an economic agent (qtd. in Uri, 2005). As what Uri (2005) stated, consider the application by the farmer of pesticides that runoff into surface drinking water supplies and are ingested by individuals. Drinking water with high concentrations of pesticides has suspected risk and associated cost to human health; this is an example of a negative externality because the action of the farmer adversely affects the welfare of consumers. The absence of externalities is one of the conditions required for competitive markets to achieve an efficient allocation of resources. This is not meant to imply, however, that the presence of an externality requires government intervention. According to Uri (2005), in many situations, the involved parties may negotiate a solution that will address the externality problem and result in an efficient resource allocation. For example, restricting pesticide spaying during certain times to minimize community exposure to drifting pesticides can be the result of voluntary agreement between a farmer and the residents surrounding the farmer’s cropland. There are, however, externalities where the interaction between private parties does not lead to an efficient allocation of resources. Government intervention may be consider in these instances even though there is no guarantee that the intervention will lead to an enhance efficiency; such situations are referred to as externality problem or market failure (Uri, 2005). Uri, N. D. (2005). Agriculture and the Environment. New York: page 60. Government intervention can take a variety of forms including, taxes, subsidies, subsidies, and educational, and technical assistance, as Uri (2005) stated. There are other situations where intervention is justified on the basis of distributional equity considerations. Even if an efficient resource allocation could be obtained through private and public approaches, the solution could be sub-optimal from society’s perspective if it results from equities in terms of income distribution or the burden of regulation (Uri, 2005). Because distributional inequity is so highly subjective, however, little discussion will be devoted to it in what follows. As previously noted externalities play a central role in the economics of the interaction between the agricultural sector and the stock of natural resources. According to Uri (2005), to mitigate the impact of externalities, a number of policy options are available to the government; these policy options in general have the potential to impact the production practices adopted by farmers and the use of agricultural chemicals.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Review of the Book Pursuit of Happyness by Chris Gardner

Review of the Book Pursuit of Happyness by Chris Gardner Chris Gardner’s life story is impressive. Despite having never gone to college, and after a period of being homeless, he became a wildly successful stockbroker and wrote his memoir, Pursuit of Happyness. It’s not surprising that Hollywood turned his story into a blockbuster film starring Will Smith. Pursuit of Happyness  tracks this happy, rags-to-riches story, starting in early childhood and including Gardners adult progression through a few different careers. About the Book Chris Gardner went from an impoverished childhood to become a wealthy stockbroker and entrepreneur and managed to juggle single fatherhood before it was culturally accepted. His memoir, Pursuit of Happyness, spends a lot of time recounting that difficult childhood and his transition to the military and to time spent working in medicine. The story picks up more speed two-thirds of the way through when Gardner is living in San Francisco determined to raise his son and succeed as a stockbroker, despite having never gone to college. Gardner’s message can seem inconsistent. On the one hand, he was moved by his own troubled childhood to vow that he would be a good father to his children. On the other hand, a flashy red Ferrari caught his eye one day, prompting him to adopt the goal of becoming a stockbroker in order to earn enough money to buy his own Ferrari. The two goals aren’t incompatible, of course, but Gardner doesn’t mention any tension he may have felt between his selfless love for his son and his more superficial-seeming financial goals. Any self-reflection present in Gardner’s story seems to be mostly the self-reflection of a motivational speaker, which Gardner has become. There is much discussion of working hard to overcome the paucity of other African-Americans on Wall Street, not to mention Gardner’s lack of a college degree. The Pursuit of Happyness makes for an enjoyable story, and an inspiring one, but leaves the reader looking for something more. What Makes the Book Worth Reading (or Not) Chris Gardners story is unique in more ways than one. A child who grew up largely in foster care, he found the tenacity, strength of character, and talent within himself to become extraordinarily successful. A black man growing up in poverty, he built a reputation that turned him into a major motivational speaker for people of all backgrounds. Perhaps most significantly, Gardner is a father (not a mother) who did whatever it took to ensure that his son would grow up in a safe, loving home. If you are struggling against the odds, you may well find reassurance and motivation in Gardners experience. If you dont find motivational biographies inspiring, you may also want to read the book as background before viewing the movie version starring Will Smith. The movie includes only a portion of the full story, and skips or changes some of the details. Both book and movie, however, have similar pros and cons. As with many rags-to-riches stories, the emphasis is on the grit and determination of the individual and not on the systemic issues that placed the individual in a seemingly  impossible situation. Much of Gardners achievement is related, not to relationship-building or self-discovery, but to the ability to find a niche in which he could fit in and make the money he craved. For many people, Gardners story will be inspirational; for others its likely to be frustrating.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Evaluating Media for Credibility Essays - Belief, Critical Thinking

Evaluating Media for Credibility Essays - Belief, Critical Thinking Evaluating Media for Credibility CRT/205 March 16, 2014 Captain E.F. Rollins Evaluating Media for Credibility The two news programs that I watched were Smerconish on CNN at 8:00am CST and Americas News HQ on Fox News at 11:00am CST. Both programs devoted an overwhelming amount of their time on the fate of Malaysian flight 370. There were similarities in both presentations such as the transponder was deliberately turned off and that the plane could have flown for at least seven hours after it was turned off. Also, similar was the discussion on where the plane might have ended up. CNN chose to interview a reporter for an aviation magazine and a retired British officer in discussing the facts of the planes disappearance with neither having the expertise to speak on this subject from a level of experience or knowledge. Then CNN chose to change the focus to why planes are not tracked through video monitoring and whether the plane was manned or unmanned when the transponder was disabled. The person of choice for this segment was a commercial airline pilot who did not have the expertise or education either to be able to comment one way or another on this topic. On the other hand, Fox News chose to interview a commander in the United States Public Affairs office and a former Assistant Director in the FBI that investigated the 1996 flight disaster. Each of these interviewees had knowledge and experience with which to discuss the disappearance of flight 370 and were able to provide a level of detail per that knowledge and experience. In conclusion, Fox News was more credible in their reporting because they chose interviewees that could reasonably have the expertise on the subject matter, provided more details, and stayed focused on the topic. Although CNN did state some of the same facts that Fox News stated, they diluted their story with information that had no bearing on the disappearance of flight 370, did not stay focused, and their choice of interviewees did not have relevant experience or knowledge in which to draw on for this topic. As a result, CNN came off as less credible.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Aspects Of Relationship Marketing Marketing Essay

Aspects Of Relationship Marketing Marketing Essay The objective of the research is to find critical differences between two aspects of relationship marketing namely-B2B and CRM. Any successful B2B strategy has to help the customer to be loyal and supportive to the firm and its products.   The   customer do   not   just get   a   need,   the   B2B marketer   have   to   help   the customer though getting him to feel a need and then buy the product and finally become loyal. The industries also need to take the marketing tool of customer relationship management seriously and provide proper focus to it. The CRM helps the organization to focus on the needs and the requirements of the customers. The CRM must ensure that the products and the services offered by the organization are proper response to the changes in the aggregate customer behavior pattern. (CRM News)The automobile industry also need to provide proper maintenance and after sales service to ensure good CRM. In today’s competitive world it is im perative that the offers to the customer are according to the needs and the requirement of the customer. The organization may even have to customize the products according to the needs of the customer.   In order to provide better services which is a part of the promotional strategy companies are appointing customer relationship officer to make the customers aware about the new offers and also to solve all their problems in order to create a strong brand image in the minds of the consumers. The aim in relationship marketing is to build and maintain relationships with all the organisation’s publics. The list given is not comprehensive, and some publics will obviously have more influence over a particular firm’s activities than others. The task is to identify those groups which are the main influencers and to design marketing programmes and strategies which take the influencers into account. Research is important to establish why customers defect, as studies have shown that a large proportion of dissatisfied customers never complain – they simply stop using the service. By the same token, customer complaints handling procedures should be properly carried out to ensure that the complaint is rectified and the customer is satisfied the necessary action is taken to prevent that (CRM News).problem occurring again but the starting point is usually to examine the external environment and the changes taking place within it. The audit then gradually narrows its focus from the general aspects of the organization’s marketing activity to the more specific, until, finally, specific problem areas or difficulties can be probed more closely if required. It is useful to understand the components identified above, and the main questions which should be addressed in the audit. A number of tools can assist in the process. An example of this is database marketing where customer-buying histories and other information can be listed on a database, and then referenced and cross-referenced in the future to target new products or promotions accurately. (China B2B Market)Another important aspect of the task of analyzing how to retain customers is to carry out market research amongst customers who have defected. Why did they go to a competitor? Why have they stopped using your service? The answers to these questions can hold vital information for services marketing managers.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Week 1 Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Week 1 - Coursework Example Most of these eligibility cases rise because of immigration status, citizenship and income. Only the immigrants legally in the country can buy the health insurance through the exchanges, these include the refugees, people on workers and the student’s visas, and the immigrants with green cards (Goodnough, 2014, p.13). The article provides a national perspective as its focus the immigrants in the United States and their failure to provide legal documents. The article states that the issue about eligibility is mainly in Florida and Texas that happen to have the largest number of immigrants. The information in the article affects many people living in the United States as it slows down the process of acquiring the health insurance. The immigrants face a greater problem as according to the administration most of these cases arise from the provision of wrong information by the immigrants. By 5th September, the immigrants should submit their documents failure to which they will lose the health care insurance. The provision of fraudulent information and the carelessness of the administration results to the cases of eligibility, these in turn affects all the citizens of the United States in the process of acquiring the health insurance. The article provides solutions for the immigrants to avoid losing their health insurance; these include the provision of immigration and citizenship documents by the immigrants. All immigrants in the country should provide the required legit information in order to avoid losing their health insurance (Goodnough, 2014,

Argument final paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Argument final - Research Paper Example ilable medical remedies, and so many patients suffering from these diseases are made to endure severe and chronic pain, vomiting, difficulty in breathing, and other similar discomforts. They are often also made to endure such symptoms for days and even months before they eventually die. In the interim, they often reach the point of wanting to end their suffering and pain by ending their life. Lacking the strength and the means to end it, these patients turn to their physicians to assist them in ending their life. But legalizing physician-assisted suicide (PAS) is a dangerous step which is very much against the basic principles of the medical practice. With such a premise, this paper shall discuss and support the thesis that physician-assisted suicide should not be made legal. An important consideration in the assisted suicide discussion is the fact that committing it is against the basic principle of non-maleficence or of not doing any harm to one’s patient. The Hippocratic Oath which serves as the basic ethical mandate of the medical practice expressly prohibits physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia (Finlay, 2005). This oath declares that a physician should not â€Å"administer a poison to anybody when asked to do so, nor will [the physician] suggest such a course† (as cited by Demy and Stewart, 1998, p. 249). In the time of Hippocrates, assisted suicide and euthanasia were very much against the principles of medicine. In the current context however, assisted suicide and euthanasia are ideas which are new and different from the concepts of medicine and care (Walker, 2001). Those who support physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia also have different ideas on what it is to be a physician and what the moral boundaries of the practice a re. â€Å"It is also telling that the current public interest in PAS comes at a time when the palliative powers of American medicine are greater than they have ever been in the past† (Walker, 2001, p. 27). All in all,

Read instruction below; Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Read instruction below; - Research Paper Example Starbucks has the most recognizable brand in coffee industry business and that the experience they provide to their customers is irreplaceable makes the main strengths harnessed to be successful (Lussier, 131). The other strengths are sound, visionary, and capable leadership of Howard Shultz leading Starbucks to greater success and growth from its beginning to be a global leading it is currently. Owing to the Starbucks experience, the company has loyal customers who are willing to pay premium prices for the company’s coffee increasing the profit margins and revenues for the firm. Starbucks also has the soundest financial statements in the speciality coffee industry and is a respected employer having been named among Fortune Top 100 Companies to work for due to the offer of medical insurance, fair remuneration, as well as good working conditions. Starbucks has developed a strong ethical culture and values, and this is well depicted in the mission statement. Other strengths are ability to developing and innovating new products, and customers are guaranteed of getting high quality taste at Starbucks (Lussier, 131). The main weakness at Starbucks is the inability to control the prices of coffee globally. Starbuck’s businesses are affected by fluctuation in coffee prices that occurs due to changes in global demand and supply, as well as weather conditions and climate affecting the profits and revenues of Starbucks. Starbucks cannot be able to change the prices of coffee hence is the main weakness at Starbucks. The second weakness is pricing of Starbucks coffee in Chin with the belief that it is highly priced loosing the market share in the region to McCafe. The other weakness has been a loss in the customer experience from the high rate of expansion experienced at Starbucks. Negative publicity on the health implications of consuming coffee, high fat content, and high calories in the products offered

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Electrical Power Systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Electrical Power Systems - Essay Example Due to the continuous change of the loads at the low voltage network, the properties of the network vary with time and to measure the properties of the time variance we must determine the attenuation and the SNR that is evaluated for two single and separate tones at 52 kHz and 80 kHz and compare their behavior against a time component. A significant time variance is noted in the 52 kHz channel while the 80 kHz channel remains almost unchanged over the entire period of time. Any changes that may occur on the loading of the network have a direct influence on the communication properties of the low voltage network. The active power is measured in kilowatts while the apparent power generates magnetic fields that in return produce a flux that is necessary for the variation of induction devices. The lower power factor usually has a direct cost on the utility which serves as a major disadvantage in the network. The non linear loading is basically a rectifier and the power of distortion is a measure of the extent to which the harmonic distortion of the load of the current is able to decrease the average power that is transferred to the load. The non linear loads normally change the current wave form from a sine wave to other wave forms and also create harmonic currents. They can be corrected by use of filters to ensure that the harmonic currents are controlled and also through active power factor correction. In this test, a number of simulations will be carried out in order to evaluate the behavior of the harmonics that exist within a distributed system. The harmonics that flow within a network normally downgrade the quality of the electrical power in the network. Loads that are non linear in nature normally draw harmonic currents that are flowing through the distribution network. Harmonic voltages on the other hand are caused by the flow of harmonic currents

Discussion board forum Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Discussion board forum - Assignment Example The federal government offer aids to workers in states with high unemployment rates through Emergency unemployment compensation (EUC) (Asmundson). Unemployment befits makes the unemployed relax instead of searching for jobs. Lengthening their job search period increases burden on those who are working. This makes the employed lose morale, hence affects their productivity and the e onomic growth of the nation. The more workers stay out of their jobs, the more their skills become affected and their chances of remaining unemployed increases (Asmundson). This will eventually lead to a less skilled workforce hence affecting productivity of the nation. Currently, many states have depleted their insurance funds and are depending on the federal government for loans. In order to replenish their trust funds, the states will have to increase payroll takes hence increasing burden on the workers (Asmundson). Also makes it difficult for employers to hire more employees. Consequently, it will affect the economy of the state. For any commodities that people are willing to buy, there are people who will be willing to produce and sell. The firms usually depend on macro forecasters to determine the economic conditions in order to identify the demands. The companies then determine what to produce, the quantities as well as the pricings. Demand therefore drives the market since it regulates supply. In the case of Isaiah 44:15-17, the wood is in demand. The man needs to make an idol, which he worships. However, he also has other demands such as warming himself and baking bread for food. Because of the many demands, he uses the supply he gets to satisfy his needs Companies that manufacture cigarettes know the effects it poses to the health of its users. They also know that cigarettes smokers also pose a threat to the passive smokers around them. Despite the fact that they acknowledge smoking cause life-threatening

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Midterm Examination Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Midterm Examination - Essay Example The paper will incorporate historical evidence to support this stance. Open door imperialism can be basically defined as the act of powerful nations controlling the lesser powerful nation in the world so as to primarily safeguard the powerful nations’ interests. America being the world’s superpower has applied the open door imperialism to most parts of the world where it can reach. Its military is crucial to the United States spreading open door imperialism. The Monroe doctrine was the first step towards American open door imperialism. The doctrine implied that the United States would consider any acts by European states to interfere or colonize lands in north and South America as aggression towards the USA. Also, the act stated that America in return would not interfere with the internal running or colonies of European nations. The Monroe doctrine subsequently became a defining element of the USA foreign policy. Later, the doctrine would be relied upon and invoked by various USA presidents such as Ronald Reagan, John F Kennedy, and Theod ore Roosevelt. Contained in the doctrine are two significant themes of manifest destiny and exceptionalism. These two themes refer to the power and right of America to interfere, correct or, exert its power and influence across the globe. This doctrine was therefore used by the United States in several instances to justify USA intervention abroad throught most of the 19th century. For instance, the USA was involved in the Hawaii annexation and the Spanish American war (McCormick, 1963). The Monroe doctrine consequently came to basically define the United States’ control sphere that very few countries dared or dare to challenge. Its definition expanded greatly as the United States gained more power. America enacted the big brother policy in the early 1880s with a major aim of rallying Latin American countries behind it.

Discussion board forum Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Discussion board forum - Assignment Example The federal government offer aids to workers in states with high unemployment rates through Emergency unemployment compensation (EUC) (Asmundson). Unemployment befits makes the unemployed relax instead of searching for jobs. Lengthening their job search period increases burden on those who are working. This makes the employed lose morale, hence affects their productivity and the e onomic growth of the nation. The more workers stay out of their jobs, the more their skills become affected and their chances of remaining unemployed increases (Asmundson). This will eventually lead to a less skilled workforce hence affecting productivity of the nation. Currently, many states have depleted their insurance funds and are depending on the federal government for loans. In order to replenish their trust funds, the states will have to increase payroll takes hence increasing burden on the workers (Asmundson). Also makes it difficult for employers to hire more employees. Consequently, it will affect the economy of the state. For any commodities that people are willing to buy, there are people who will be willing to produce and sell. The firms usually depend on macro forecasters to determine the economic conditions in order to identify the demands. The companies then determine what to produce, the quantities as well as the pricings. Demand therefore drives the market since it regulates supply. In the case of Isaiah 44:15-17, the wood is in demand. The man needs to make an idol, which he worships. However, he also has other demands such as warming himself and baking bread for food. Because of the many demands, he uses the supply he gets to satisfy his needs Companies that manufacture cigarettes know the effects it poses to the health of its users. They also know that cigarettes smokers also pose a threat to the passive smokers around them. Despite the fact that they acknowledge smoking cause life-threatening

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Qantas Case Study Essay Example for Free

Qantas Case Study Essay It is the world’s second oldest airline, and has a successful history to uphold. Over the next 5 years Qantas aims to hedge fuel prices and use more efficient aircraft to limit further fuel costs improve employee/employer relationships by reducing the number of employment relations disputes and retain corporate market share by enhancing facilities and lounges to appeal to corporate travellers. Change management is viewed by   Alan Joyce as a critical component Reasons for current business planning What were the critical factors that led to Qantas’ decision to move some of their operations off shore? 3 2. What then happened once the decision was made4 – What change management processes needed to have taken place? 4 Were the change management processes well managed? 4 What could they have done better to counteract the disgruntled union and workers? 4 3. Where is Qantas now in its competitive positioning both locally and internationally?

Monday, October 14, 2019

Student Time Management Research

Student Time Management Research This chapter presents the discussion of the findings based on the study conducted. The summary of major finding of the study on how part 8 TESL students of UiTM Shah Alam is concluded in this chapter in order to know better how the students manage their time and provide recommendation and suggestions for further research. The analysis of the findings from the data collected for this study is obtained from part 8 TESL students of UiTM Shah Alam. The ages for the respondents were between 22 years to 31 years of age. However, the difference of the respondents age do not reflect the effect on the study as it is made only to know how the respondents manage their time throughout their study. The results of the current CGPA for the students varies and most of the respondents obtained 3.01-3.50. Respondents performance might be affected by the way they manage their time, as what they do is actually affected by how much time that they have. The way part 8 TESL students of UiTM Shah Alam manage their time differs from one another. Data collected by questionnaires shows that the way they manage time differs. This result is shown based on the answers that the respondents gave for the section B of the questionnaires. For the answers in section B, most of them agree to the same answers with high frequencies. Based on the answers given by the respondents, most of the students follow time to complete their assignment. It can be concluded that the students manage their work and do it according to the time scopes that were given to them. Nevertheless, the respondents stated that they have some problems in finishing their task, due to time constrains. According to some of the respondents, this happens because the students receive many assignments for their current semester. However, for the question that inquires about whether the respondents have sufficient time for both academic and their social life, half of them agree and the other half is not. The part 8 B.Ed. (Hons) TESL of UiTM take some minor subjects during their period of study which are counseling, literature and lastly, music. The workload given to them might be different according to the subjects that they take in which leads to different time usage for their task. However, most of them have clear ideas on what to accomplish for each assignments given to them. This shows that, it is up to them on when they are doing their tasks and assignments. Relating the previous statement, many of the students are experiencing problems in coping with other activities in their life throughout their study. This shows that they are affected much by the tasks has been given to them. Many of the respondents stated that they do keep their assignments and task given to them and come shortly to it shortly before due date. According to some respondents, they do their work before the dateline. However, they usually come up with the task right before the due date in which might produce time constrains for them. Apart from that, they also deal with the same tasks and assignments several time even though the tasks and the assignments given are simple and can be done easily. This is true for most of the respondents who answered the questionnaires. Due to this factor, only some of them agrees that their workloads are low if compared to the time that they posses. Majority of the respondents disagree with this, where they think that the workloads are ma ny. This is caused by the way they manage their daily life. Nevertheless, most of the students do have confusions on which task they should perform first as they have many works due. For the way they manage their time, most of the students agree that they have thought of changing their way on managing time in order to suit their needs better. Do the part 8 TESL students of UiTM have the same pattern of time management. For section C of the questionnaires, the questions are made to investigate on in what ways does time management affects part 8 TESL students of UiTM performance and learning outcomes during their study. First, from the answers given, the respondents agree that their time management has positively helped them to relax. This is true to most of the respondents, which reflects how they feel about the way they manage time. According to the answers provided by the respondents in the questionnaires, most of the respondents agree that they will make good preparation for the tasks or assignments given if they have sufficient or more time. Good preparation for their tasks will happen if the students have enough time to complete them. This is stated by most of the respondents in the questionnaires given, where this will happen when the students feels like doing so especially whenever they have ample time. Most of the students also agree that they manage time according to the way the people arou nd them, and the time is suited accordingly so that they may perform the tasks and assignments given together with their friends. This show how the students cope with their time and task so that they may conduct discussions among themselves. Time management of the students may as well be related to the time where they manage their assignment. Most of the students will spend time on simple tasks, keep themselves up to date with their readings, and reassess their tasks or assignments whenever they feel like having free time. However, many of the respondents are not able to do their tasks and assignments without rushing at the last minute. If the students have assignments that have been due a long time before, they will do it whenever they feel like doing so in which whenever they have free time, according to most of the answers given by the respondents. For this section, the respondents agrees that they suits their time more to the way they finding time for entertainment and socializi ng, but not suiting it for finding time to complete their tasks and assignments. The next section of the questionnaires is section D. This section is made to find the appropriate answer on how part 8 TESL students of UiTM cope with the academic and social life during their study period. Similar with the previous section, the questions included related on how they manage their time. Based on the answers given by most of the respondents, they do procrastinate in completing the tasks given by the lecturers. This may affect their class attendance, where based on their answer in the section they agree that they have been absent for their classes because of their need to do things such as unfinished assignments or task. To make the flow of the workloads simpler, the students do some division of tasks and assignments according to priority, as what the respondents reacts to a question in the section. One of the respondents also agrees with the statements that the division of works will provide some spaces for them to do works according to importance. To cope up with time constrains, the students also seek help from their friend or other people in order to complete their tasks and assignments. Most of the respondents agree with this and they even form discussion groups for particular subjects regarding their tasks and help their friends who are in need to finish their tasks. To cope with the academic and social life during their study period properly, the students should be able select appropriate time and tasks given to them, but in this section, most of the students accept inappropriate or unreasonable work requests. This matter has definitely limiting their time to perform previous task. On the other hands, half of the respondents, do some reading or their work during their free time such as while waiting for public transportations or during gaps of classes. These acts surely provide the students more time to do other works. The study was undertaken to evaluate the part 8 TESL students of UiTM Shah Alam time management conducted this study. This study is important in order to assess how students manage their time during their study and how it would affect their performance and achievements. Other than that, the findings of the study may be useful for the students if they want to further they study or even when they work later on, where they can reflect on their time management skills and adapt it later. This can assist and help in giving advantages in improving their performance and studies in the future. After doing the study and completing the data, several conclusions can be made based on the findings. According to the data collected, part 8 TESL students of UiTM have different pattern of time management. This can be stated by analyzing data collected. It can be said that, part 8 TESL students of UiTM Shah Alam do their work based on priority. The management of time by the students are in the same pattern where it is related to their amount of workload and their social life. The findings of the questionnaires managed to answer the first research stated previously. To obtain the information needed on how do part 8 TESL students of UiTM cope with the academic and social life during their study period, the data shows that the students use their time mostly to suit their needs for social life and entertainment. They manage their time mostly to have good preparation and to get more time to relax. However, time allocation for assignments and tasks will be prioritized if the number of task is high. The students will reassess their work and tasks if they have free time. Thus, for the second research question, the question is answered as the research uncovers how the students cope with the academic and social aspects of life base on their time management skills throughout their study. For the last research question, in which is to determine how time management affects part 8 TESL students of UiTM performance and learning outcomes. Part 8 students tend to make time available for socializing and not for their tasks. The data collected shows that in order for the students to perform well and do their work; the students seek help from others. They form study groups to discuss about academic matters. To makes time, the students fills in the gap of free time with readings and other things such as doing assignments. The students discuss on the academic matters and exchange ideas during group discussions. Here, we can conclude that the third research question is answered. This study has given an idea on how the students manage their time during their period of study. The following are recommendation based on the findings for this study. First, for the students, they should somehow re-evaluate their time management skills. In this scope, the students should focus more on the time they allocate for studying, revising and finishing their task. On the other hand, socializing skills of the students should be taken into account. They should know how to socialize well. The time allocated to socialize should be equal to the time allocated for their academic matters. The students should discuss more on difficult tasks or assignments to make it easier to be done. It is recommended that the tasks and assignments given should not be taken lightly, and should not be kept until the last minute or near the submission date. The faculty can also use the findings from the research to evaluate the amount of work given to the students. A good programme on time management skills can also be held in order to improve the students time management skills. With adequate time, the students will be able to manage their time well. Each individual should promote good time management to one another. This is because, a good time management skills can lead to a successful academic, the increase of productivity and decrease the amount of tension in doing their work (Lay Schouwenburg, 1993). The study examined the way part 8 TESL students of UiTM manage their time. For this research, the research is only limited to only part 8 TESL students of UiTM Shah Alam. One recommendation for this research is to expand the number of the respondents for the study. The findings of this study could be defined better and more accurate as the larger number of the respondents will give more data needed. In addition, other respondetns can also be included for this particular study. Students who are studying TESL in UiTM Shah Alam ranging from part 1 to part 8 students. For this particular study, it can be further done by making the same research to analyze on how TESL students of UiTM Shah Alam manage their time as a whole. This will make the data collected varies and better conclusion can be made. Better implementations of academic and social activities could also be made later based on the research recommended.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Joe Clark in Lean On Me :: Film Movies

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  East Side High School was labeled a â€Å"cauldron of violence.† After they were designated this harsh term, Joe Clark becomes the head principal and changes it all around – or does he? Lean on Me is a story of hope, development, love, hate, and dependence. As a father figure and friend, Clark’s strict disciplining and harsh attitude helps heal, strengthen, and bring to life a struggling high school in New Jersey. But is this plot just a story for the movie screen? Did the true story really happen like this and end like this? Lean on Me might be moving and powerful, but we must look deeper into the real personality of Joe Clark and how he treated others.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Crazy† Joe Clark does not get his name from out of the blue. He is violent, angry, and set in his own ways and beliefs. His wife that left him and the one friend that he has are all reflective signs of his horrendous behavior. He walks around the school with a baseball bat, rather than a clipboard or briefcase. The fear that he â€Å"earns† is more prevalent than the respect that the students and teachers have for him. He likes to be known as â€Å"HNIC† – the â€Å"head nigger in charge.† His absurd manners are strongly disliked by his fellow colleagues. He insults teachers in front of students and fires them when they do not comply with his harsh rules. The first disturbing aspect of this movie is Joe Clark’s personality; although he changes around the school, he does it in a bizarre and vicious manner.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Another bizarre aspect of the movie is how the director, ---, portrays East Side High. After there is a time change from the 60s to the 80s, East Side transforms from a nice, well-kept, and clean school to a graffiti filled, prison-like, school that resembles an alleyway, not a high school. There are fights in the hallway and the bathrooms every time class lets out. Drug dealers are let in by other students to exchange money and drugs. East Side is portrayed as a rundown and scary – to say the least – learning institution.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Task One Automated Teller Machines :: Computer Science

Task One Automated Teller Machines 1. See diagram over page for Input and output devices This kind of interface is an interactive interface with buttons. I think this would be improved considerably and the ways that I think will be improved by more security on the machines. I think they will have devices like retina scans, voice activation and thumbprints. At the moment the only security is PINS and cards but they can be stolen and I think they will improve the security more. 2. The process for a customer obtaining cash is called transaction processing in real time. This kind of processing is called transaction processing. If the cash withdrawal is required, the customer enters the amount they want from the machine. This is then checked against the balance of the account and if funds are available of the account, the machine dispenses money. Also at the same the amount from the account is subtracted from the balance on the customer's record on the bank computer. When it's finished the card releases back the card to the customer. [IMAGE]Other services are available are withdrawal of cash, ordering of statements, requests for new chequebooks and obtaining the balance of the account. Advantages Disadvantages To the Bank Employs fewer people High level of security needed It is cheaper than paying staff Hackers could break into the machines Less need to build banks and money could be used elsewhere Employees loose their jobs. To the customer It is fast. Credit cards could be stolen It can be accessed anytime The magnetic strips can be damaged by the ATM They can get it anywhere The card has to be replaced from time to time 3. Bank cards, credit and debit cards Diagram front and back PIN stands for Personal Identification Number, it acts like a password, and the user enters it to the ATM keypad to verify that they are the account holder. The PIN helps to reduce fraud. The information stored on the magnetic strip is account numbers, bank sort code, system number, cheque digit Task two - Cheque clearing There are three sets of numbers printed along the bottom of the cheque using magnetic ink and machines can automatically read these numbers. MICR stands for Magnetic Ink Character Recognition, it works by inputting special ink onto cheques and the ink then is magnetised. The limits are that very few characters could be recognised but it can be read quite fast. The special ink then is recognised by using a process called MICR. It's used on cheques because it has high security and if the special has been tampered on, the computer can still read the data on the special magnetised ink. The cheque clearing process is called Transaction Processing; it

Friday, October 11, 2019

Xacc 280 Financial Statement Analysis

Feedback is at the end of the paper. The three of financial statement analysis are horizontal analysis, vertical analysis, and ratio analysis. The function of all three analyses is to evaluate the significance of financial statements data. Horizontal analysis function is to evaluate and compare data given by the financial statement for at least two years with in its own company. Vertical analysis expresses the amounts of the financial statements as a percentage from the amounts given on the financial statements. Vertical analysis also makes it so that companies can compare how they are doing with competing companies. Ratio analysis is used to evaluate liquidity, profitability, and solvency. PepsiCo. Calculations: Ratio: 2005 Current Ratio: 1. 11:1 10,454/9,406=1. 1114 2004 Current Ratio: 1. 28:1 8,639/6,752=1. 2794 Vertical Analysis: 2005 current assets 10,454 / total assets 31,727=0. 3294 or 32. 9% 2004 current assets 8,639 / total assets 27,987=. 3086 or 30. 7% Horizontal Analysis: Assets increased in 2005 by 13% Total assets 2005 31,727-total assets 2004 27,987=3740/ 27,987=. 33 or 13% Liabilities increased by 21% Total liability 2005 17,476-total liability 2004 14,464=3012/14,464=. 208 or 21% Coca-Cola Calculations: Ratios: Current Ratio for 2005 1. 04:1 10,250/9,836=1. 042 Current Ratio for 2004 1. 10:1 12,281/11,133=1. 103 Vertical Analysis: 2005 Current Assets 10,250/total assets 29,427=. 348 or 35% 2004 current assets 12,281/total assets 31,441=. 390 or 39% Horizontal Analysis: Curre nt assets decreased by 17% Current assets in 2005 10,250-current assets 2004 12,281=-2031/current assets 2004 12,281=-. 65 or -17% Current liability decreased by 12% in 2005 Current liability in 2005 9,836- current liability in 2004 11,133=-1297/current liability in 2004 11,133=-. 116 or 12% Good Effort on the CheckPoint See more feedback below. | Â  | CheckPoint 25/points| Points Earned 21. 5/25| Â  | Write in 100 to 200 words an explanation of the three tools of financial statement analysis and the function of each. | 5/5 points| Â  | three tools of financial statement analysis| Â  | 3| The tone is appropriate to the content and assignment. Sentences are complete, clear, and concise. Sentences are well constructed, with consistently strong, varied sentences. Sentence transitions are present and maintain the flow of thought. Rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed. Spelling is correct. | Â  | 1| The paper is 100 to 200 words in length. | Â  | 1| Feedback Concept seems to be learned. | Additional Comments:| Â  | Calculate the following for PepsiCo, Inc. and show your work and Calculate the following for Coca-Cola and show your work: | 19/20 points| Â  | Ratio analysis| Â  | Â  | Tool: Current ratio for 2005| Â  | Â  | Pepsico| Â  | 1| Coca-Cola| Â  | 1| Tool: Current ratio for 2004| Â  | Â  | Pepsico| Â  | 1| Coca-Cola| Â  | 1| | Â  | Â  | Vertical analysis| Â  | Â  | Tool: Current assets ? total assets in 2005| Â  | Â  | Pepsico| Â  | 2| Coca-Cola| Â  | 2| Tool: Current assets ? total assets in 2004| Â  | Â  | Pepsico| $8,639 ? $27,987 = 30. 9%| 2| Coca-Cola| $12,281 ? $31,441 = 39. 1%| 2| | Â  | Â  | Horizontal analysis| Â  | Â  | Tool :Percent change in total assets (2005 ? 2004)| Â  | Â  | Pepsico| Â  | 2| Tool :Percent change in current assets (2005 ? 2004)| ($10250-12281) ? $12281 = -16. 5 %| Â  | Coca-Cola| ($29,427 – $31,441) ? $31,441 = -6. %| 1. 5| Tool: Percent change in total liabilities (2005 ? 2004)| Â  | Â  | Pepsico| Â  | 2| Tool: Percent change in current liabilities (2005 ? 2004)| ($9836 – $11133) ? $11133 = -11. 65%| Â  | Coca-Cola| ($13,072 – $15,506) ? $15,506 = -16%| 1. 5| Â  | Â  | Â  | | Â  | Â  | Feedback: All figures looked good but you did the horizontal analysis on the Pepsico for the Total assest and did the current assets for Coca-Cola. You need to compare the same numbers in the companies to be able to complete a correct analysis. | Additional Comments:Â  | Â  | Late One Day 25 *. 0 | Â  | -2. 5| Total 25/Points | Points Earned 21. 5/25| Â  | | Â  | 21. 5| Overall Comments: Late assignments receive a 10% deduction for each day they are late. Assignments are late if they are not posted by midnight Arizona time (MST) of the day they are due. Assignments that are more than 4 days late will not be accepted unless we have negotiated and mutually agreed upon an alternative submission date in advance. Unless an Incomplete grade has been granted, student assignments submitted after the last day of class will not be accepted. | Â  | Â  | Â  | Â  | | | |

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Why to be a chemical engineer

An individual should take on chemical engineering due to requirement of diverse knowledge, the striving to better them self, and to increase their potential. In the diverse knowledge column, there are a set of base standards one has to meet. To prepare for such a high paying and Incredible Job, the applicant must have a â€Å"Bachelor's degree In chemical engineering for entry-level; masters or doctoral degree for advanced positions†. (n. Page. With this education one must have, the applicant can really be a dependable to the company's success and can be prone to raises, extra jobs and many opportunities to go deeper in their occupation. When preparing to look into actually becoming and pursuing the occupation of a chemical engineer, applicants are safe under the studies and modern statistics about supply and demand of the occupation Itself. On a Job outlook done by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the statistics stated, â€Å"Demand for chemical engineers' services depends la rgely on demand for the products of various manufacturing industries. (n. Page) To penetrate the demand and supply to a deeper extent, chemical engineering has a shining virtue in the statistics column, there is a 2% unemployment in the engineering fields, yet there are jobs that [not taken]. pig. 2) Also In the preparation portion, advice along with a Job notice states the following preparation for an applicant. â€Å"Be prepared to work In areas of â€Å"blended engineering† where chemical engineering principles walk hand in hand with mechanical, civil, electrical, and/or industrial engineering.Be willing to diversify because you will excel. † (pig. 2) Preparation for this Job is quite simple due to the consistent stated postulate of the job being blended and diversified with other engineering types. If an applicant should ever wonder why the occupation is blended, an actual account of a chemical efferent Job sectors that a chemical engineer can fit into. It is impor tant to do your homework and identify what your interests are up front. You can waste a lot of time and effort if you are taking a shotgun approach.If you are interested in a certain sector or a certain geographic area, you're better off to expend your energies on those Jobs. † With the blend of other engineering occupations, the choice of chemical engineering could benefit a possible applicant by strengthening the weaknesses in parts of their knowledge that are lacking. This blend leads to discipline in the occupation to better the applicant. Not only could this blend draw out discipline in the occupation, but could also strengthen personal and social issues one could have.An engineer with personal experience in these categories advices applicants by stating, â€Å"Work with others it varies from Job to Job, probably from about a 3 Tao 10. Accept criticism. But this is a life issue, not an engineering issue. â€Å"(n. Page) With actual experience and not statistics with stu dies, this valuable advice could prepare an applicant to be disciplined in a different category than engineering itself, therefore, expanding their diversity of knowledge and interaction. These could truly be attributes an applicant would want to desire even if they didn't decide to pursue chemical engineering.In chemical engineering, an applicant would not only want to submerse themselves in complete knowledge of chemical engineering, but also in learning qualifications that could get them noticed and hired. To be a chemical engineer, an applicant should not be only strong in the occupation itself, but also in their interaction and sociability. A chemical engineer informs a group of applicants by stating, â€Å"A lot of my work is team-oriented. I work with a few other people and we all upend on each other to bring certain results or knowledge to the group as a whole so that we can accomplish our overall goal. (n. Page) By having interactive qualities, it is clear and also postula ted that one cannot be an introverted person when looking to get hired. By actual accounts of a chemical engineer, he postulates and informs applicants that, â€Å"All engineers must at some point (if not nearly always) work as part of a group or team, and all engineers must be able to communicate the results of their work – to their peers, supervisors, upper management, subordinates, and the outside world. You could have the most wonderful idea, but if you can't convince others of its merit, your idea will die on the vine. (n. Page. ) With the plethora ideas and accounts of the social and interactive aspects, applicants most likely will look to improve on speaking or getting a certain point or idea across. More information and advice from a group of engineers concludes the interaction and speaking qualities by advising applicants, â€Å"The key, which many engineers and scientists Just don't realize, is not to dazzle the audience with technophobia, but to be as clear, conc ise, and to he point as possible. The hardest thing for many engineers to do is get to the point. This information and advice that is given could strike the desire to expand interactive qualities. Companies are not only looking for social and interactive people, but also responsible applicants. An account of an experienced chemical engineer gives his personal point of view by inferring, â€Å"l would believe that I was hired because I tend to take on lots of responsibility. † An applicant could have all the qualities required to be hired, except for the drawback of irresponsibility. While an individual could be the ND with a high probability not want an irresponsible chemical engineer to be staffed with.If an applicant were to search for a generally high paying Job, they would most likely find that outside of chemical engineering, requirements could possibly appear unreasonable and very rigorous to go through. On a Job that medians at $187,000 per year such as a medical docto r, the requirements would most likely be postulated to be longer, and more rigorous than those of chemical engineering. Statistics and accounts done by Education Portal exemplify requirements of a medical doctor by dating, â€Å"Completing a bachelor's degree program is necessary to prepare prospective doctors to enter medical school. † (n. Page. After accomplishing a bachelor's degree, which takes 4 years of college, the student must proceed to 4 years of medical school. The same education portal informs their audience, â€Å"Medical school consists of four years of medical training and education†¦ The first two years of a prospective doctor's medical school experience are devoted to book study and laboratory work to prepare students for diagnosing and treating illnesses. During the second year of med school, dents take the first portion of the United States Medical Licensing Examination, which is administered by the National Board of Medical Examiners. After these two years of rigorous training and examination, the portal informs students, â€Å"During the last two years of medical school, students begin their clinical experience, going through rotations at clinics and hospitals. Students work under attending physicians to begin their practical training in medicine. † (n. Page) In a total of 8 years of college, which could lead to financial problems, the student would fill the requirements of being a medical doctor. If a graduated high school student were to pick to pursue chemical engineering, they have the possibility and are potentially able to earn Just as much with less requirements.A popular career guidance center informs students, â€Å"A Bachelor of Science degree in chemical engineering is the most common entry- level requirement for Chemical Engineers. † With only 4 years of college and only in the science portion, a chemical engineer has a potential to earn â€Å"$1 1 5,000 or more† (n. Page) per year. With this s alary potential, money spent on college and time is saved to better the encouragement in actually pursuing the occupation of chemical engineering. Leading up to this well-rounded occupation includes many opportunities for experience, life benefits, and a very comfortable potential salary.In the experience column, many encounters by actual chemical engineers advise students, â€Å"Consider participating in an internship with an engineering firm while in college. Most internships are part of a four-year degree program. It will offer you a chance to apply what you have learned in the classroom in an actual work situation and will give you the opportunity to network with people in the field. (n. Page) With these benefits, dents have an opportunity to not go into their occupation completely blindfolded.A career guidance program infers why chemical engineers pick their occupation by inferring, â€Å"They should enjoy making decisions and directing the work of others, as well as be willi ng to improve their knowledge and skills on an ongoing basis. † With this inference that earned positive feedback, these potential encounters could give a chemical engineer the benefits of pursuing that occupation. Life benefits would also pursuing this occupation could potentially earn an engineer â€Å"$1 1 5,000 or more† with also a stated postulate informing applicants, â€Å"it is not uncommon to have incomes ranging from $90,000 to $130,000 or more. (n. Page) This salary would not only draw out applicants who would desire money and being comfortable, but this comfortable living could also be tied in and related to life benefits and experience. To finish off the tied in topics, retirement would not be a problem financially if the certain engineer was responsible with their money. Responsibility was also an inference for qualities an applicant should have which was stated in earlier texts. Ranging from possible, achievable, comfortable, enjoyable, beneficial, and k nowledgeably wide, the occupation of chemical engineering appears to be worth the time and money spent.Salaries tying in with comfortable living can keep a chemical engineer stress free to an extent, and with interaction within the Job itself, can potentially balance personal life, with its own occupation. An actual account of a chemical engineer concludes his interview by stating, â€Å"l believe that a chemical engineer degree is great for opening doors. † This can be agreed with due to all the benefits of pursuing the career of chemical engineering stated previously. As a Heimlich engineer himself said, this great and worth-while occupation has potential to open your doors.