Saturday, September 28, 2019

Graduation speech Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Graduation speech - Essay Example It is indeed unavoidable and pleasing to see how we all gained skills over that period we were in school. I invite you to look back to our first day in campus: we were the same but distinct; we were shorter, young and probably uncertain about ourselves. Similar to almost everyone, I arrived at this university anxious and wide-eyed. I also felt endangered by fittings on the compass with loud voices and opinions, and wondered I would cope and survive. As we look back this day on a journey, a journey that commenced with tentative and hesitant steps, we just observe how far we all have advanced. It was a privilege to be part of this journey and this institution. To my wonderful tutors, I would like to salute each and every one of you. You all guided, shaped and molded not only me, but also all the ladies and gentlemen standing here today. Your role has been immensely contributory in molding us. Though your painstaking efforts may waste away or be forgotten. We will always recall all of you for helping us, caring for us, and making us feel special and appreciated for all the time you spend teaching us. It is the excellent coaching styles that have assisted us to enormously accomplish our journey at the University. Indeed, school would have been challenging. I am undeniably grateful for your advice, guidance, and tutelage. I greatly appreciate your generosity and commitment with your time to help me with my studies and projects. I am grateful for believing in me and allowing me to continue believing in myself. I hope to emulate the goodwill and kindness that you all have shown us in our journey through the university. To my beloved husband and family, I am here as a testimony of your love, reassurance and support. You held my hand and supported me through my decisions to complete my undergraduate studies. Surely, I would not have lived to see this day without your support and flexibility. Your support during this

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